Sunday, February 13, 2011


I am taking a continuing education class at the New Hampshire Institute of Art, and trying my hand at printmaking. Here's the first relief that I've done, carved out of linoleum, and on Friday's class I printed with it! Its a lot of fun, and my first real exposure to printmaking, outside of high school and elementary school art classes.... why didn't I take this in college?! This first print was done in black ink (oil based) and during the class I printed several more, and tried my hand at a 2 color print with this bird - one color background printed solid on the paper, and next week I'll print the 2nd color on top, of the bird and worm. I also want to try water based inks (they are supposed to clean up easier). Now I need to start thinking of what my next piece will be...hmmm....

Here's the linoleum block, ready to be printed.

First print!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

back from NYC!

For several days I had some fun in NYC, though I had to cut my trip short by a day to get home before all the snow and ice hit, and stopped all travel. New York has way more snow than we do up here in Portsmouth, and I gotta say NYC is really bad about plowing... they have no idea what they're doing. Check out a couple pics ... remember this was BEFORE the snow and ice that came this week.

NYIGF 2011 was busy busy this year, though us in the Licensing Gallery were shuffled around quite a bit before the show, ending up in a location that was weird and really not good for us, when it came to traffic flow of the kind of people we wanted to meet. Oh well. Though a couple good contacts were made and fingers crossed that some great stuff comes out of this! It was great to catch up with some friends I haven't seen in awhile, meet new people, and not be sitting in front of the computer for a few days!

My section of the Artists of Kolea booth.

I came across these letters in Anthropologie... oh man I wanted them but couldn't justify the cost.... maybe I can try some sewing with MY OWN fabrics!